80 Hour Alcohol Drug Test
RSC HealthThis urine test checks for recent exposure to alcohol. If your specimen initially tests positive, it will be confirmed before the result is reporte...
View full detailsRapid 10 Panel Drug Test (urine) results same day or next!
RSC HealthThe 10 Panel Urine Drug Test looks for common drugs of abuse in a urine sample. Urine testing can typically detect drug use going back several d...
View full detailsRapid 5 Panel Drug Test (urine) results in one day!
RSC HealthRapid 5 Panel Drug Test (urine) The Rapid 5 Panel Urine Drug Test looks for common drugs of abuse in a urine sample. Urine testing can typicall...
View full detailsRapid 6 Panel Drug Test (urine) results same day or next!
RSC HealthNote: Fasting is not required for this test. This urine test checks for the use of drugs within the following 6 classes: Amphetamines/Methamphe...
View full detailsRapid 9 Panel Drug Test (urine)
RSC HealthThe 9 Panel Urine Drug Test looks for common drugs of abuse in a urine sample. Urine testing can typically detect drug use going back several day...
View full detailsRapid 9 Panel Drug Test (urine) + Alcohol
RSC HealthThe Rapid 9 Panel Drug Test (urine) + Alcohol looks for common drugs of abuse in a urine sample, and alcohol. Urine testing can typically detect ...
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